Ruth Cowley, Jon Hari and Stuart Neely discuss the "state of play" of business and human rights.
The Guiding Principles, formulated
by John Ruggie (the former Special
Representative of the UN Secretary
General for Business and Human
Rights), implement Professor Ruggie’s
“Protect, Respect and Remedy”
framework. The framework promotes
the principles that: (i) states have a
duty to protect against human rights
abuses by third parties, including
businesses; (ii) businesses have
a responsibility to comply with
applicable laws and respect human
rights; and (iii) effective mechanisms
are needed to enable victims of human
rights abuses to seek redress.
The Guiding Principles set out the steps
businesses should take to ensure that
they are functioning in a way which
respects human rights – an obligation
incumbent on all businesses. They
do not, however, offer a toolkit for
operating a business in a human
rights compliant manner.
This article aims
to clarify the application and effect
of each of the primary soft law BHR
initiatives, and summarises current
BHR trends more generally, before
offering a brief synopsis of how
businesses should be responding to
these developments.
The Guiding Principles
The broad acceptance of the Guiding
Principles – including from the
business community – has led to a
rapid consolidation of the expectations
on businesses in relation to their
human rights impact. Businesses are
responding to this, and to signs that
regulatory requirements and investor
/ shareholder expectations are on the
increase. The Financial Times recently
reported on a study carried out by
Novethic, a French research group,
which showed that Europe’s largest
institutional investors are filtering
their investments to avoid becoming
associated with businesses which are
perceived to have infringed on the rights
of others, denying those businesses
access to around €2.3 trillion in assets.
As we see a growing trend towards
compliance and transparency, more and
more businesses are willing to show the
public what they are doing in respect of
human rights.
Principle 11 of the Guiding Principles
states that businesses should “avoid
infringing on the human rights of
others and should address adverse
human rights impacts with which
they are involved.” To meet this
responsibility, businesses should
have in place policies and processes
appropriate to their size and
circumstances. In effect, businesses
need to “know and show” that they
respect human rights (Commentary to
Principle 15).
What does this mean in
practice and how should businesses
address human rights risks?
Developing policies
Principle 16 states that businesses
should embed their responsibility to
respect human rights by expressing
their commitment in a statement
of policy.
This can be a stand-alone
human rights policy or a statement
integrated into existing policies. Such
policy should be aligned with other
policies across different functions and
Compliance officers, in-house lawyers and CSR
managers will have noticed the increased publicity
surrounding the issue of business and human rights
(BHR) since the UN Guiding Principles on Business
and Human Rights (the Guiding Principles) were
unanimously endorsed by the UN Human Rights
Council in June 2011.
Since then, many businesses
have been developing detailed, bespoke human rights
policies which draw upon the guiding principles.
As businesses find themselves
being questioned by investors and
other external stakeholders about
their commitment to corporate
responsibility, there is increasing
pressure on businesses to develop
and publish a human rights policy.
A growing number of businesses are
showing their commitment to meet
this responsibility by publicising these
policies on their websites, as required
by Principle 16(d).
Assessing impacts / risks
Principle 17 goes on to state that
businesses should carry out periodic
human rights due diligence “to identify,
prevent, mitigate and account for how
they address their adverse human
rights impacts.” This should include
an assessment of actual, as well as
potential, human rights impacts with
which businesses may be involved
either through their own activities or
as a result of business relationships
(Principle 18).
Human rights due
diligence should be initiated as early
as possible when developing a new
business activity or relationship, as
human rights risks may be inherited
through mergers or acquisitions and
can be increased or mitigated when
drafting contracts or agreements.
When carrying out human rights
due diligence, the initial step is to
identify and assess the nature of the
actual and potential adverse human
rights impacts with which a business
may be involved. This process should
draw on internal and/or independent
external human rights expertise, and
involve meaningful engagement with
potentially affected groups and other
relevant stakeholders.
Wherever in
the world businesses operate, they
should comply with all applicable
laws and respect internationally
recognised human rights (Principle
23(a)), meaning legal compliance
should be considered when conducting
human rights due diligence. Principle
23(b) recognises that conflicts may
exist between national laws and
international human rights principles,
and calls on businesses to respond
creatively in such circumstances in a
way which seeks to honour the latter.
Businesses are therefore well advised
to draw on not only human rights
expertise, but also to consult with their
in-house and external lawyers where
necessary, and particularly when faced
with such a conflict.
For instance, Unilever collaborated with
Oxfam to carry out a study of labour
issues in its operations and supply chain
in Vietnam, allowing Oxfam access to
its factory in Cu Chi. With Unilever’s
approval, a report was published earlier
this year which revealed evidence of
poor labour standards. In response,
Unilever promised to change the way
it operates in Vietnam and has invited
Oxfam to return to the factory in two
years’ time to review progress. Unilever
opened its doors to demonstrate
transparency and agreed to Oxfam
publishing the report to stimulate a
wider debate and encourage other
businesses to do the same.
Another example is that of the tourism
company Kuoni’s pilot project in Kenya.
A report was published following
a human rights impact assessment
of Kuoni’s operations and business
relationships in Kenya which explains
the assessment process Kuoni adopted,
the outcomes of the pilot project and
Kuoni’s commitment to mitigation
The above examples demonstrate that
businesses would do well to act now
and carry out a human rights impact
assessment while they still have time
to take reasonable steps to avoid and
mitigate risks, and show progress, rather
than in the future when they could face
legal claims and substantial fines.
Integrating, tracking and
communicating performance
As a next step, businesses should
integrate the findings from their
human rights impact assessments
across relevant internal functions and
processes, and take appropriate followup
actions (Principle 19). Businesses
should also track the effectiveness of
their response to such findings and
be prepared to communicate this to
external stakeholders where necessary
(Principles 20-21).
Remediation and grievance
Finally, Principle 22 states that where
a business has caused or contributed
to adverse human rights impacts,
active engagement in remediation is
To ensure that grievances
are addressed early and remediated
directly, businesses should establish
effective operational-level grievance
mechanisms for those potentially
impacted by their business’ activities.
Other soft law initiatives
incorporating human rights
Many other key sustainable investment
initiatives have been amended to reflect
the Guiding Principles or otherwise
reflect human rights compliance more
A few important examples
are set out below.
Equator Principles and IFC
performance standards
The Equator Principles (EPs) are a risk
management framework for signatory
financial institutions to determine,
assess and manage environmental
and social risk. The revised EPs create
new requirements for businesses to
conduct human rights due diligence
in order to qualify for financing from
EP members, which include 79 of the
largest financial institutions. The EPs
apply to all project financing with
a value of over US$10 million and
to certain types of corporate loans,
bridge loans and project finance
advisory services. The third version of
the EPs, which took effect on 4 June
2013, requires signatory financial
institutions to ensure their clients
comply with the detailed requirements
of the International Finance
Corporation Performance Standards on
Environmental & Social Sustainability
(IFC Performance Standards), which
are intended to “fill the gaps” of host
country laws and regulations on
environmental and social issues.
2012 version of the IFC Performance
Standards specifically requires that
human rights due diligence of the type
endorsed by the Guiding Principles
should be conducted in “limited high
risk circumstances”.
OECD Guidelines for Multinational
All OECD States are obliged to sign
up to the OECD Guidelines for
Multinational Enterprises, which
set out principles and standards for
multinational companies operating
in or from OECD States. The OECD
Guidelines were updated in 2011 with
a new human rights chapter which is
consistent with the Guiding Principles.
Significantly, OECD States are required
to set up national contact points (NCPs)
to hear complaints against businesses
alleged to have contravened the OECD
Guidelines. Following the promulgation
of the Guiding Principles, a finding of
non-compliance by an NCP is likely
to have a greater reputational impact
on the business concerned, and
organisations should therefore take
a great deal of care when responding
to NCP complaints.
To date, 161
complaints have been filed with NCPs,
with human rights based complaints
involving issues such as child labour,
labour rights, indigenous rights and
the environmental impact of business
operations on communities.
The UN Global Compact
The Global Compact is a United
Nations initiative whereby businesses
voluntarily sign up to adhere to ten
principles of sustainable business,
including respecting human rights. To
date, the Global Compact has around
10,000 signatories based in over 140
countries. The Global Compact has
confirmed that the need to “respect”
human rights in Principle 1 reflects
the second pillar of John Ruggie’s
This is a significant
development, particularly as signatory
organisations need to report annually
on their implementation of the Global
Compact and therefore, indirectly, the
Guiding Principles.
ISO 26000
ISO 26000, which also draws upon
the Guiding Principles, was published
by the International Organization for
Standardization in order to provide
guidance for businesses to operate in a
socially responsible way.
Towards hard law
Beyond this consolidation of
international soft law standards, the
real impact of the Guiding Principles
is likely to be the stimulation of state
The first foundational
principle of the Guiding Principles
recognises that States need to “protect
against human rights abuse within
their territory and / or jurisdiction by
third parties” and, as reflected in the
commentary, a State’s failure to do so
may be a breach of its international
human rights obligations.
The second
foundational principle requires that
States “set out clearly the expectation
that all business enterprises domiciled
in their territory and/or jurisdiction
respect human rights throughout their
There are already signs that States
around the world are considering the
Guiding Principles when formulating
policy. For example, the European
Commission has called on all EU
Member States to publish “action
plans” on how to implement the
Guiding Principles by the end of 2013.
The UK action plan is due imminently,
whilst a Dutch inter-departmental
working group is expected to report to
the Dutch parliament with an action
plan in early 2014. In June 2013 the
European Commission also published
a guide to implementing the Guiding
Principles for businesses in three
sectors: (i) oil & gas; (ii) employment;
and (iii) ICT.
In terms of human rights reporting,
the UK government has published the
final version of the draft Companies Act
2006 (Strategic Report and Directors’
Report) Regulations 2013, which will
require directors of UK incorporated,
quoted companies to prepare an
annual strategic report covering a
number of issues including human
This is a clear step towards
requiring companies to “know and
show that they respect human rights”
(as envisaged by the commentary to
Guiding Principle 15). In the context of
conflict minerals, the European Union
is in the consultation phase in relation
to a potential directive which will
create similar reporting requirements
to Section 1502 of the Dodd Frank
Act in the USA, and will apply to large
The Guiding Principles are also
likely to impact on tort litigation,
particularly in common law States,
as certain obligations within the
Guiding Principles may in the future
be interpreted by judges as crea ting
an objective “standard of care” owed
by businesses to external stakeholders
affected by their operations. The
commentary to Guiding Principle
23 specifically acknowledges that
conflict-affected areas pose an inflated
risk of complicity in gross human
rights abuses, and businesses should
treat this risk as “a legal compliance
issue”, as extraterritorial civil claims
are increasingly being brought against
businesses in their “home” state
This is particularly relevant
to common law States with a long
tradition of negligence claims against
companies for their overseas activities,
such as the US and UK – although the
US Supreme Court in Kiobel (2013)
recently restricted claims under the US
Alien Tort Statute to instances where
there is sufficient “closeness” (which
has yet to be defined) between the
event and the jurisdiction of the US.
The examples set by Unilever and
Kuoni above demonstrate that
businesses are responding to pressure
from external stakeholders and the
expectations of increasingly ethically
minded investors and shareholders by
actively assessing their human rights
impacts and mitigating associated risks
as envisaged by the Guiding Principles
and other BHR standards. This trend
is likely to continue as a growing
number of businesses see the benefit
of understanding and addressing
risks rather than waiting for adverse
human rights impacts to be identified
by external stakeholders. Businesses
that take such steps now will be best
placed to respond to future hard law
requirements as they develop.
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